Marco – Ampeleia
Marco – Ampeleia
Carlo – Macchion dei Lupi
Carlo – Macchion dei Lupi
Daniele – Villa Calicantus
Daniele – Villa Calicantus
Federico – Orsi Vigneto San Vito
Federico – Orsi Vigneto San Vito
Aris -Tenuta Selvadolce
Aris -Tenuta Selvadolce
Stefano – De Fermo
Stefano – De Fermo
Gianfranco – Masiero viticoltura biodinamica
Gianfranco – Masiero viticoltura biodinamica
Marzio e Valeria – Voltumna
Marzio e Valeria – Voltumna


What we do

Previous Slide Next Slide “We do what we say, we say what we do” CoViBio is the consortium of Biodynamic winemakers. We all have the same desire to join forces to collaborate and follow the...

Our wines

Our winesUs members of CoViBio have pooled our resources in order to offer a single catalogue to our clients. This allows them to have access to a wide range of products and a certain liberty...

Chi siamo


We are small producers who have decided to join forces and create a consortium.

We believe in a biodynamic winemaking philosophy: we want our wines to be unique and the highest expression of their terroir, while respecting the land and its biodiversity.

Our wines are the product of a spontaneous fermentation processes, no selected yeasts are added and don’t require any modern winemaking interventions. The wines express the strength and equilibrium of the work in the vines, intended to enhance the uniqueness of the territory.

We thought that together we could optimise costly elements of our businesses such as logistics, commercial development, accounting and general business management. This is why we share our warehouse and catalogue, we have centralised shipping and invoicing, with an integrated sales network.

This way we have a constant exchange of ideas and experiences and overall try and offer a better and more efficient service. We all believe in the formula of synergy: 2+2 = 5…